Many of you may remember when this video was all the rage:
This woman was on the Metro-North train from Connecticut to NYC and flipped out for being told she was too loud and to please quiet down so she wouldn't disturb other passengers. She paid the price for it when it was videotaped and put up on youtube so now the whole world knows just how difficult a person she can be sometimes.
Unfortunately people often do not take into account how their behavior impacts the people around them and this woman certainly isn't alone in that. This weekend we went to a Mets game ($10 tickets!) where we ran into her sporty doppelganger, Screams-Inappropriately-During-The-Game man.
We were 2 sections away from this guy and we could still hear him screaming the entire game. Lots of pseudo-rhythmic clapping, lots of screaming (in fact, he screamed so loud that towards the end of the game his voice started to give out as he yelled random crap at the players on the field) and no thought given to the other people who paid for tickets to the game that did not want to hear his commentary for 5 hours. Baseball games are not supposed to be quiet, they are supposed to be loud and fun and full of $7 beers and everyone knows that before they arrive. This man still managed to be so loud that people from our section were standing up to yell at him to shut up and put a hot dog in it. He got to a point where he was yelling stuff that wasn't even baseball related, just stupid stuff because he wanted to yell. I think I heard, "I need to get eggs at the store on my way home!" come out of his mouth at one point.
I know that it is important to do what you are going to do and not care too much about what other people think because if you did you would never do anything at all, but seriously, take some consideration into whether or not what you are doing is impacting the people around you. Major in art instead of business. Eat Cap'n Crunch for dinner tonight. Put off laundry until tomorrow and watch a few episodes of The Simpsons. Really, most people don't know or care if you do things that make you happy. But for all that is good and holy in this world please keep your volume reasonable in public. Don't be "that guy" if you can avoid it. And if you can't avoid it try drinking less and see if it is any easier not to be "that guy" without the booze.
The more you know...*insert rainbow graphic*
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